There are also mobile versions

The to compare data from the client and bots showing the differences between them. In addition you can understand which links are indexed and which are skipped by bots. You can check sites using several SEO parameters Server redirects and JavaScript HTTP headers. Meta tags. H Headings. Differences in text and HTML. Links. How to use SEO All Stars Install the extension in Chrome or another browser. Go to the desired site and click the SEO All Stars icon.

The next block displays specific differences in

The following menu should open SEO All Stars extension Cyprus WhatsApp Number List Go to settings and select User Agent Google or Yandex from the list. Well take Google desktop as an example. There are also mobile versions. change of User Agent to Google  requests to pages on behalf of the selected search robot and show the differences between the user and bot versions. Scroll down the plugin menu to the Differences section. There you can see Differences in content between what the user sees in the browser and what search robots index. Here we see a significant difference in the amount of text and HTML code.

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SEO All Stars The plugin will send

Differences SEO All Stars section the content of the page by what Bahamas Phone Number List percentage the text and HTML are the same and different for robots. differences between text and HTML in SEO All Stars Pay special attention to the nonindexed content indicator. It may indicate problems with displaying elements cloaking or the use of hidden promotion techniques. The Client column shows what of text and HTML you cant see. And in the Google column how many of text and HTML the robot does not see. differences in page content in SEO All Stars To analyze text fragments invisible to search engines open the Missing Text block. In the Client section the tool shows that there is no text on our site that users.

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