It is also important to give

The images without losing quality. Optimize server performance and caching. Reduce page code volume. Use more productive hosting. Regularly check the download speed on different devices eliminate weak points. This will help you meet Googles performance requirements and avoid penalties for slow site loading. MobileFirst Index In October Google officially completed the transition to mobilefirst indexing when ranking sites. Now Google algorithms focus primarily on the mobile version of the site when generating results. This update is not a filter. But in order to maintain the position of the site you need to optimize it for mobile devices Create a mobile version of the site or adaptive design. Set up the correct display for mobile devices.

Google notifies you about this

Speed up loading of the mobile version. Adapt content for Hungary WhatsApp Number List smartphone screens. It is also important to give Google search robot access to the mobile version of the site. This will allow you to index the mobile version and avoid problems with displaying the site on smartphones. Read on the topic Responsive design or mobile version making an informed choice Additional Google filters In addition to global algorithmic updates Google regularly launches more local penalties for certain types of SEO violations and abuses. These filters can also significantly affect the promotion and position of the site if it falls under their influence.  additional Google filters to understand what SEO mistakes you should avoid Baby Panda Punishes for nonunique content.

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Lets look at the most significant

Identifies pages with significant text borrowing Brazil Phone Number List from other sites. Consequences loss of positions and traffic for pages with nonunique content. How to fix you need to audit the uniqueness of the content delete or rewrite the copied texts. Pages should contain unique original content with minimal use of paraphrasing. DMCA Pirate Blocks individual pages of the site due to complaints from copyright holders for copyright Consequences disappearance of pages from search.

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