In conclusion we offer a

The elements on the page. Make sure your ad copy is relevant to the landing page. The page should have convenient feedback blocks forms contacts online chats. Landing page conversion KPI will help you evaluate the quality of traffic in relation to leads. The most common scenario traffic is growing but the conversion rate is constantly decreasing. This suggests that the landing page is not as effective as it could be. The main reason for low conversion rates among potential customers is an irrelevant landing page.

Traffic page views ad conversion sources Return

The user saw the ad it interested him and he clicked on it. But the landing page does not contain the information that he would like to see. Result the click is completed but such a visitor Poland Mobile Number List will not turn into a client If the conversion rate among potential customers is too low look at the bounce rate of all landing pages png Remember Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica consider refusals differently . Refusal in Yandex.Metrica visit less than seconds . In Google Analytics a visit without moving to the next page of the site. Pages with high bounce rates should be redesigned.

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This is a convenient and practical

The application collection form text and media content CTA page design all this needs to be changed if the ratio of total traffic and users who later turned into clients is lower than Poland Telegram Number expected. Conclusion By tracking the correct KPIs from the beginning your company will be able to immediately make adjustments to budgets and promotion strategies.  approach to planning marketing processes. In conclusion we offer a table that will help you remember the key KPIs for traffic return on investment behavioral factors average check conversions and cost per client KPI type Content site Commercial site Traffic Traffic page views ad conversion sources  on Investment Not tracked ROI only Behavior Time on site.

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