The book is published

The . How much does it cost rubles SEO Winchester What is this book about This is a comprehensive guide to onpage optimization of commercial websites. Brief overview of the main topics The importance of text elements. The use of not only keywords but also synonyms search tips cases numbers and lowfrequency queries for text optimization is discussed. Competition analysis. A detailed review of frequently used competitor phrases and quick links in search results to improve your own content strategy. Selection of keywords. Techniques for effectively selecting and using keywords on a website. Working with landing pages. Strategies for identifying and replacing landing pages and comparing them to competitors Internal linking.

The author tested the effectiveness of

How to create proper site navigation. Page optimization basics. Review Jordan WhatsApp Number List of factors influencing ranking site loading speed meta tags use of headings text formatting. Solving common problems. Strategies for solving problems such as duplicate pages overoptimization underoptimization broken links . Combating content theft. Tips for detecting and eliminating content theft. Commercial ranking factors. Analysis of the importance of commercial factors the presence of contacts accounts on social networks the quality of information about goods or services Technical details.

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He talks about effective methods of internal

Discussion of the importance of technical aspects URL length Afghanistan Phone Number List page titles URL nesting level domain name readability. Why its worth reading In the book Mikhail Shakin shares the results of his research into search engines. website optimization that he himself uses in his work.various SEO techniques in practice systematized the knowledge gained into his own internal optimization technique which he called SEO Winchester. This technique allows you to improve the position of a resource in search engine results. The book is published only in electronic version because it is constantly updated. All future updates to the book are provided free of charge. Where to buy SEO Winchester website Search engine promotion of websites Author.

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