The the cost of work. In the marketing services market many work without. VAT small companies work according to a simplifie scheme and if suddenly you have to work with. This service in such a way that you resell it then it is critically important for you. That there is VAT. If you are face with the fact that you resell the service further then. VAT will be include in your costs. Metrics KPIs reporting It is important for you to measure the result. Can the contractor formulate what exactly you will achieve as a result of cooperation. In marketing not everything is digitize and. This connection to measurable results is important.
Some companies maintain the site for
Agree on exactly how you will understand that as a result. Of cooperation Qatar WhatsApp Number Data results have been achieve. with the contractor. Pay attention to what the contractor answers and whether he can formulate in numbers in specific tasks the results that he is ready to provide you. If the contractor gets emotional and says that it is very difficult that nothing can be guaranteed that we will start and see this is not a very good sign and it is not worth working with such a contractor.
These issues should be discussed
You should definitely ask about reports. How will you Belgium Phone Number List accept the results of the work how will communication take place call messenger email how will the contractor report. Will there be support after the project is completed Someday this project will end and your cooperation with the web studio will come to an end and then what. Imagine you have created a website the contractor gives it to you for use for content and you have questions. Alterations additions and technical support may be required. How ready is the company to do this does it cost separate money or is it part of the agreements that have already been made.